Q.What are your service times?

A. Our service time is Sundays 10am


Q. How do I start serving in a ministry?

A. We have many ministries to serve in from serving on Sunday mornings to ministries and groups throughout the week. If you would like more information head over to our Serve page and watch a quick intro video. After that you can fill out a quick form to let us know where you’d like to serve. We’d love to hear from you and get you connected in a ministry.


Q. How can i get BAPTIZED?

A. Our mission is to help people take there next step with Jesus and if that means baptism we’re more than happy to help! We have many resources at our Welcome Center and people who would love to talk you through the process. You can also write your question on a connect card and drop it in the offering bucket or fill it out on our connect page, specify that you are interested in being baptized.


Q. Do I need to dress formal for sunday service?

A. Come as you are, whether you enjoy dressing up or prefer casual attire.